Do It Yourself, the other day was surfing Pinterest that I saw lot of DIY stuff . Right away from reusing old newspapers to bed sheets. I was so surprised with how much we can recycle old things, which we throw off to buy new ones.

Such beautiful ideas and creativity people around us have. I was so inspired that I have decided to think before throwing off  any stuff like bed spreads. They are so reusable. Simply can be used as table cloth.

My mom is a genius is reusing and recycling old bed sheets/ Old clothes. She had once simply used patches of worn dresses/ nighties and created a simple razai. A light  weight double sided one (reverse and you can use another design) I was bowled over.

There are some places in Mumbai where you give any two saris and they add some foam and Viola a beautiful big Razai is ready . Can be used as mattress to sit down or for sleeping etc. Talk about optimum utilization of resources. :D

Any more ideas to recycle the bed sheets? Feel free to share.Would love to learn. :)

PS: My contribution to recycling clothes. A table cloth made of old night wear.


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