Happy Anniversary

These days when on one hand, we see people divorcing and ending relations without even thinking twice, it’s heartening to see marriages survive through thick and thin too. One such solid couple I have seen is my MOM and DAD.

Life has not been easy or a smooth ride for them or that matter anyone. We all have our share of struggles, insecurities, fear, boredom, misunderstandings, and fights. But to sail through them with each other’s love and support is what a good marriage is all about. Understanding, standing by each other in difficult times and trusting each other are few of the qualities that lay foundation for a good marriage. The challenges in marriage are to fall in love with the same person again and again. I find them doing that. They are not people who celebrate Valentine’s Day or say I Love You to each other daily but they have their own way of expressing it. For them it’s as simple as buying a saree or flowers for mom and she in turn cooking his favorite dish and serving.

Not that they don’t fight. They took have their fights and differences but they never showcase it for others. Having seen them I feel its work and efforts on both the sides to keep the marriage alive.

On this wonderful day, i would just want to wish them a very Happy Anniversary and many more to come. I wish loads of togetherness and love. Love you both.


  1. Wishing your parents a very happy anniversary :)

    1. A very belated Thank you. Some glitch that i am getting all the responses on the post soo late ;)


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