Book Review# 193 Reclaiming Him : Isa Roop




 Purushottam (Puru) Pai
32, Chairman of Pai Group. The Cold and Calculative Billionaire. Authoritative and protective.
The only time he listened to his heart was when he fell for this activist who was a childhood friend. But then, she left him the evening before their wedding. She authored the report that closed down his power plant. Betrayed and heart broken Puru marries Meera's sister and vows to move on.
Meera was Past. She would not return. Ever. He would not let her back in.
Only that she returned. Beaten and battered by her own choices. Can he accept her back?

Meera Menon
Environmental Activist, Passionate and fierce, Fire to Puru's ice, Betrothed to Puru but left him the night before their wedding to stay true to her ideals. Only that the ideal world was not what she thought it would be. Abuse and Humiliation became a part of her life. When she returned back home, it was too late. The price of her mistakes was too high.

She is the fire that can melt his ice
He is the dam that can hold her fury
And yet, fate tore them apart
Only to bring her back to him
When he despises her
And she is broken

Can Meera undo the damage of her past actions and reclaim Puru's Love? Can Puru and Meera find their second shot at love? Reclaiming Him is the first of the three standalones in "Forbidden Yet Simmering Collection where love brings enemies together. It is an angsty Childhood friends turned enemies turned lovers romance with a guaranteed HEA

My Take:

A complex and emotionally charged storyline with Meera and Puru. 

 Meera's journey involves making mistakes (ditching Puru, falling into an abusive relationship) and facing the consequences (disownment by her mother, losing her sister). Her realization of these mistakes and her determination to undo them suggest a theme of redemption. Puru, initially hurt by Meera's actions, becomes her savior from the abusive relationship. Whether Puru can forgive Meera and whether Meera can forgive herself are central questions that could drive the emotional arc of the story.

 Both Meera and Puru are depicted as flawed characters with strong personalities. Meera's growth could be portrayed through her regrets, her actions to rectify her mistakes, and her evolving feelings towards Puru. Puru, known for being aggressive and controlling, might undergo his own transformation as he navigates his feelings for Meera in light of her past actions.

The relationships in the story are intricate and fraught with emotional tension. Meera's family dynamics, her abandonment issues, and her complex feelings towards Puru (from regret to dependence) provide rich material for exploring human emotions and relationships.

The narration is simple and easy-flowing but could be crisper. This suggests a focus on clarity and pacing. Tightening the narrative could enhance the impact of the emotional and dramatic moments, making the story more engaging for the reader.

Betrayal is a significant theme through Meera's actions towards Puru and her subsequent experiences. Trust, both broken and rebuilt, could be explored deeply between Meera and Puru as they navigate their renewed relationship.

Overall, the story delves into deep emotional territories with its characters and their relationships. The journey of Meera seeking redemption and Puru possibly finding forgiveness resonates strongly with readers looking for stories of growth, forgiveness, and second chances. 


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